
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How to Lose Weight With Le'Vive Juice

Le'Vive is a drink that contain five ingredients all touted to be high in anti-oxidants: acai berry, goji berry, mangosteen, noni and pomegranate. Among its many claims is the ability to accelerate weight loss. (See reference 1) As with any diet aid, if you don't follow a balanced, low-calorie diet you will not see any results. Le'Vive alone does not cause weight loss -- rather, weight loss can be achieved by a mixture of proper nutrition, reduced calories and anti-oxident supplements like Le'Vive or similar products.


The Diet


    Drink two ounces Le'Vive with a breakfast of one cup oatmeal and 1/2 cup scrambled egg whites. Feel free to add vegetables to the egg whites if desired.


    Lunch should consist of 4 ounces of protein such as salmon, tuna or skinless chicken breast. Include either broccoli or a fresh green salad with low calorie vinaigrette and 1/2 cup brown rice or a slice of whole grain bread. Drink another 2 ounces Le'Vive mixed into a glass of green tea as your beverage.


    Mid-afternoon, feel free to enjoy a piece of low-sugar fruit, such as an apple or a peach along with a low-fat mozzarella cheese stick.


    Begin your dinner with a Le'Vive "cocktail" consisting of 2 ounces of Le'Vive mixed in a tall glass of sugar-free lemon-lime soda. Enjoy a large salad of romaine, spinach, slivered carrots and chopped green pepper; drizzle a light dressing if desired. Include a 4-oz portion of grilled fish or chicken and 1/2 cup of brown rice.


    Your final meal of the day should be eaten before 8 PM. Choose between 1/2 cup low-fat sugar-free yogurt mixed with berries or a protein shake made from one scoop vanilla whey protein and 1/2 cup of sliced peaches or berries.


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