Gallbladder problems can manifest themselves in a variety of different ways for many patients. You can suffer from an underactive gallbladder or gallstones. If this is the case, a diet for gallbladder problems is fairly basic and can assist with many gallbladder issues.
The Gallbladder
The gallbladder is located on the right side of the body directly behind the liver. It is a small sack that is the storage tank (sort of like a gas tank) for bile. Though our stomachs hold bile, the gall bladder provides additional bile and assists with digestion, especially when consuming foods with additional fat.
Foods to Avoid
Gallstones and gallbladder disease are extremely painful. It's important to remember what foods to avoid and then which foods you can add in to help relieve symptoms. Foods to avoid include coffee, chocolate, ice cream, black tea, alcohol (including beer and wine), fruit juice (especially citrus like oranges and grapefruit), carbonated water, radishes and turnips, cabbage and cauliflower, wheat, barley, soda (colas) and all beans. Additionally, avoid all artificial sweeteners, sugar, preservatives and refined and bleached foods.
Foods to Eat
Foods that are beneficial to people suffering with gallstones and gallbladder disease are beets, cucumbers, green beans, okra, sweet potatoes, avocados, vinegars, garlic, shallots, tomatoes, fish, lemons, grapes, apples, berries, pears, omega 3 oils like flax or hemp and vegetable juice.
Gallbladder Femoval
Though most people feel that gallbladder removal will suddenly solve all of the pain and stomach issues, it doesn't fix everything. It is important to follow a diet after the removal of the gallbladder for comfort and best liver function (since now it and the stomach are doing all the work). A low-fat diet should be followed after gallbladder removal. Fluids and a high fiber diet help to prevent constipation after surgery. Avoid fast foods whenever possible. They can often cause stomach problems.
Summary of the Diet for Gallbladder
A diet for gallbladder disease, gallstones or gallbladder removal is a lifestyle choice. If you have stomach problems stemming from your gallbladder, it is important to remember to follow low-fat and no preservatives or processed food at the very least. This will improve any stomach symptoms you are experiencing. Also make sure you ease into the diet so that it becomes a lifestyle rather than a fad.
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