
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Diet for Fibroid Tumors

Diet for Fibroid Tumors

Although fibroid tumors can develop on organs with smooth muscle cells in the body, most commonly, fibroid tumors are found in the uterus. Fibroid tumors affect females in the age range of 30 to 50, and 40 percent of African-American women suffer with fibroid tumors before menopause. Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial to overall health when diagnosed with a fibroid tumor.

Dairy Products are Bad

    High fat dairy is bad

    Removing dairy products including eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt, is strongly recommended. Dairy products are considered high-stress foods where fibroid tumors are concerned. Many dairy products are not digested properly, which can cause unknown allergies. Unknown allergies cause symptoms such as bloating, and bowel changes before menstruation, which can cause more associated pain with fibroid tumors.

Alternate Dairy Foods

    Try goats' milk instead of regular milk

    Look for alternatives when buying substitutes for dairy, such as low-fat, organic products, or omega-rich foods. Dairy products contain calcium, which is important, so when removing the high-fat dairy products, try these foods still rich in calcium; soybeans, beans, peas, soy milk, goats milk, nut milk, sesame seeds, and green leafy vegetables. These foods easily pass through the liver, which results in less estrogen in the body. The more estrogen in the body, the higher the risk for fibroid tumors or aggravating current tumors.

Caffeinated Beverages and Alcohol are Bad

    Caffeine free is best

    Alcohol is a major toxin to the liver. Alcohol prevents the liver from performing properly. If the liver isn't functioning properly, it will not metabolize hormones. This will lead to increasing estrogen levels, which is bad for fibroid tumors. Also causing the same problem as alcohol, are caffeinated beverages, as well as drinks like fruit juices and sodas containing large amounts of sugar. Consume drinks that are caffeine free, low in sugar and without alcohol. Water is the best thing you can drink.


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