
Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Relieve Tender Breasts

How to Relieve Tender Breasts

As you age and your hormones change, you sometimes experience tenderness in your breasts called fibrocystic breasts, fluid-filled sacs. With a few diet changes, you can eliminate or decrease the tenderness.



    Give up caffeine. Beverages with caffeine contain methyxanthines which can cause lumps in the breasts to become inflamed. It will take a few months to see the difference.


    Give up the high fat diet. High fat diets cause increases in estrogen which can cause growth of lumps in the breasts. Again, it will take at least 2 if not 3 months to see the difference in your breasts.


    Increase your fiber intake. Fiber can help reduce swelling and tenderness by absorbing excess estrogen. Try for at least 25 grams/day of fiber.


    Take large doses of Vitamin E. Now, before doing this, talk with your doctor. The usual dose is 400 I.U. You may have to take as much as 800 I.U. to see a difference in breast tenderness. Again, talk to your doctor about taking a large dose of Vitamin E.


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